Completion Report of Nippon Koei developed Sanitation and Drinking Water Facility in Primary Schools are located in Kushkal village of Palanpur block and Jegol Village of Dantiwada Block of Banaskantha District of Gujarat.
While the school had no toilet infrastructure and WASH facility, it was in very poor condition, lack of Water and sanitation facilities and the toilets was not usable for girls, boys and disabled children and the children had to go home or run some distance from the schools where they could toilet during the day as well as pure drinking water also not available in the schools. The schools Staff and students were quite desperate to have the toilet renovated so that it could be used by the children and pure drinking facilities needed. With the beginning of the school year the project has now renovated with the WASH facilities including the constructed toilets structures by extending rooms, provided water tank, and fixing the insides of the toilets, plumbing, R O Water system and painting and now compete schools facilities with WASH facilities and a usable toilet for both boys girls and disabled children.
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